Our laboratory is equipped in two argon-atmosphere gloveboxes dedicated to battery research. Glovebox 1 is dedicated for sulfur free work and Glovebox 2 to is configured for sulfur materials.
Note: The number of user groups using the glovebox at the same time is determined by laboratory manager based on complexity of proposed activities within the ESAF. Generally no more than two users group per glovebox is allowed access at the same time. Please plan ahead. Check the schedule and request access as soon as you know your beamtime dates.
Except of local APS users, no long term sample storage in the gloveboxes is allowed. Check our laboratory glovebox rules
Standard argon-atmosphere glovebox
(no sulfur-containing samples allowed)

Equipment inside:
- Analytical balance MS Semi-Micro Metter Toledo
- Hohsen Corporation 2038 battery crimper
- Hohsen Corporation battery decrimper
- Fluke Multimeter
- Fisher Scientific hot plate
- American International Electric - 12" Impulse Heat Sealer
- International Crystal laboratories quick pellet press ; Available die sets 3mm, 7mm
- Fisher Scientific 20-200 µL pipette with tips
- Other small accessories:
- lithium and sodium dedicated punches, spatulas, tweezers etc.
Chemicals stored inside available for users
metal foils:
- lithium
- sodium
- LiPF6
- 1M LiPF6 in 1:1 EC:DMC
- 1M LiPF6 in 3:7 EC:DMC
- hexane
- pentane
- ethylene carbonate
- dimethyl carbonate
- propylene carbonate
- 1,2-dimethoxyethane
- acetronile
- 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidionone
- 1,3-dioxolane
- sodium trifluoromethane
Sulfur-compatible argon-atmosphere glove-box
for battery, catalysis and synthesis research utilizing S-bearing compounds

Equipment inside:
- Analytical balance MS Semi-Micro Metter Toledo
- Hohsen Corporation 2038 battery crimper
- Fluke Multimeter
- Fisher Scientific hot plate
- American International Electric - 12" Impulse Heat Sealer
- Fisher Scientific 20-200 µL pipette with tips
- Other small accessories:
- lithium and sodium dedicated punches, spatulas, tweezers etc.
Chemicals stored inside available for users
metal foils:
- lithium
- sodium
- LiPF6
- 1M LiPF6 in 1:1 EC:DMC
- 1M LiPF6 in 3:7 EC:DMC
- hexane
- ethylene carbonate
- dimethyl carbonate
- propylene carbonate
- 1,2-dimethoxyethane
- acetronile
- 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidionone