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A facility, that enables battery research at the APS

Preparation of battery cells for online and offline electrochemical cycling

Equipment rental


Waste Guidelines

  • Fill waste containers with nonradioactive, compatible waste only. Mixing incompatible chemicals (e.g., strong oxidizers and strong reducing agents), or chemicals that produce unwanted products may generate excessive heat or impair a container's integrity.
  • Clearly label or mark waste containers with the container's contents and the material's hazards.

Note: Punched coin cells with Kapton® windows are considered damaged battery cells. The potential hazard offered by damaged lithium batteries in absence of fire is mainly the release of a electrolyte containing a corrosive salt. Measures should also be taken to protect operators from inhalation of volatile organic substances. Reaction of the electrolyte with water/humidity may generate hydrofluoric acid and irritate the eyes, nose, throat and skin

  • To reduce fire hazards from the possibility of batteries short-circuiting when contacting each other in transit, all batteries  need to be taped with non-conductive tape and packed in a small plastic baggies. All components of the batteries should be listed on the form attached to the waste bag,